
points square rawquesh
web development showcase rawquesh

Web development

I am experienced in building web front-ends using html, css, JavaScripts and various JavaScripts libraries. In addition, I have hands-on experience with both the Python Django and Flask frameworks for web back-end development.

android development showcase rawquesh

Desktop development

I have extensive experience developing desktop applications in Python using the PyQt5 and PySide6 libraries. In addition, I have good experience integrating automated solutions into those applications. I am also acquainted with C# Windows Forms.

ios development showcase rawquesh

Cross Platform development

Using the Flutter framework, I have solid cross-platform development experience. I have created multiple cross-platform apps with fully responsive user interfaces. I adhere to Clean architecture and am skilled at using state management libraries (Providers, GetX).

wordpress showcase rawquesh

Web Automation and Scraping

I've spent a lot of time learning about web automation and scraping. Using Selenium, beautifulsoup4, and Pandas, I've created numerous bots to automate web tasks and scrape data from both static and dynamic websites.

online store showcase rawquesh

Trading Bots

Making trading bots and tools is something I truly enjoy doing. I have made multiple modules and tools to aid others in their trading. I'm proficient at using the Python MetaTrader5 API and some libraries used in financially-related computations.

database Backend showcase rawquesh

Basic Data Science and Machine Learning

Thanks to my experience with web scraping and trading tools. I am comfortable handling and analyzing data using Pandas and Numpy, visualizing data using Matplotlib, and training models using Scikit-learn. I am also familiar with the SpaCy library for NLP.

About me

I am Abdelrahman Tlayjeh, a third year computer science student. I am a passionate and hard-working developer who is always looking for new challenges and opportunities. I am a quick learner and I am always ready to learn new technologies.

Programming Languages




My Certificates

Get in touch

Abou-Samra, Tripoli, Lebanon

+961 3243642

Contact me